ABC Faces Tricky Quest for Ad Dollars After ‘Roseanne’ Cancellation – By Now playing – ‘Roseanne’ Canceled by… ABC’s reboot of “Roseanne” was one of the most expensive programs for advertisers last season. Had the show continued, it might have grown even more costly –  for the network airing it. ABC’s decision to cancel the program in the wake of an offensive tweet from its star comes as the network is, like CBS, Fox, NBC and the rest, in the midst of early “upfront” talks with advertisers. On May 15,  at a presentation held to unveil its fall schedule to Madison Avenue, ABC couldn’t stop talking about “Roseanne.” “If anyone came to play a drinking game for how many times we mention ‘Roseanne,’ you’re welcome,” said Ben Sherwood, president of the Disney/ABC Television Group, in front of an audience of dozens of media buyers and blue-chip advertisers.
