washingtonpost.com – By Reis Thebault – President Trump, clearly, has an eye for luxury — even in the most unexpected circumstances. Walking along River Drive in New Bern, N.C., a low-lying neighborhood that was pummeled by a one-two punch of Hurricane Florence and post-storm flooding, Trump greeted residents and surveyed the devastation, according to a Wednesday pool report account. Then he saw the yacht.
It was beached in a resident’s back yard.
“Is this your boat? Or . . . did it become your boat?” Trump asked the man who lived in the house where the boat was now inadvertently and incongruously docked.
No, it was not his boat, the homeowner replied, according to the pool report, which didn’t identify residents by name.
Trump returned his gaze to the vessel, which was white with brown accents and balanced at a precarious angle.
“At least you got a nice boat out of the deal,” he said, with a smile.