Dad ‘hasn’t stopped farting’ since eating ham roll at Christmas market five years ago – By Paul Keogh – A dad who claims he has had embarrassing chronic flatulence since eating a ham roll at a Christmas market five years ago is suing for over £200,000.

Tyrone Prades claims he has suffered “life changing” problems since eating a festive ham hock bap at the Frankfurt Christmas Market, in Birmingham, in December 2017.

The 46-year-old says he suffered with severe tummy problems within a day and was bed-bound for five weeks afterwards and ill for months.

Mr Prades says he has been left permanently afflicted by “embarrassing flatulence” as well as other issues, including a belly that makes “churning noises” so loud they keep him awake at night.

He claims he contracted salmonella from the bap and says market operator, Frankfurt Christmas Market Ltd, should pay more than £200,000 in compensation.
