Mark Cuban Releases Another BOMBSHELL! I personally know women who have been assaulted by Trump who won’t come forward

During a telephone interview with CNN”s Don Lemon, billionaire Mark Cuban was asked if he was surprised by all of the women who have come forward to accuse GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump of sexually assaulting them.

His answer: not at all.

“Have ever heard of anything like these women coming forward or him being untoward?” host Lemon asked him.

“Yes,” Cuban told the clearly surprised CNN host.

“You have?” Lemon asked.

“Yes, and I know one. “Cuban continued. “And it just didn’t happen recently. My friend reminded me and it was from 2000 and she, you know, I don’t expect her to come forward. I wouldn’t recommend she come forward. I know somebody else from two years ago that won’t come forward. So you know, it’s not anything that caught me by surprise.”

“So, again, this is you saying this, it’s not CNN’s reporting but tell us what you can since you know him,” Lemon pressed.

“That’s what I can tell you,” Cuban replied. “I can tell you my friend that was dating this one woman, you know, he just reminded me of the story they told me right after it happened and they put it all down in detail and obviously I remembered it. And then I had another person who contacted me after the race started and told me a story. I don’t want to go into it, it’s all all second- and third-hand, other than to say it’s factually true. i don’t have any doubts that what we’re hearing is true.”
