washingtontimes.com – By Jennifer Harper – Many news organizations unleashed their best adjectives and went for the drama of DACA — the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program — which was rescinded by the White House on Tuesday. Typical coverage put an emphasis on justice, struggle, resistance, shock, sadness, worry and the political “backlash” against the decision. But this type of journalism has been going on for a while.
“Even before Tuesday’s announcement, the liberal media have been alarmist in their attacks on any proposed rollback of DACA,” points out Geoffrey Dickens, deputy research director of the Media Research Center — who cited multiple examples of DACA coverage that pushed agenda and handwringing over facts.
“This follows the exact blueprint the media used in 2012 and 2014. They did all they could do to lay the groundwork for President Barack Obama’s DACA announcements by filling their stories with unbalanced talking heads and sob stories of those who could be deported,” Mr. Dickens explained in his analysis, which examined five years’ worth of DACA coverage on NBC, CNN, PBS and other broadcast sources.
More… http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/sep/5/inside-the-beltway-the-media-gets-mawkish-over-dac/