UK B&B ‘where cult teaches burping therapy to get rid of evil spirits’ – By  Laura Forsyth – The Lighthouse B&B in a tiny Somerset village near Frome, is reportedly the UK meeting point for followers of Universal Medicine – A “socially harmful cult” which has taught burping therapy to get rid of evil spirits is reportedly holding sessions at a bed and breakfast in Somerset. Four-star guest house The Lighthouse, in Frome, is said to hosting a group called Universal Medicine. A civil court in Australia found Universal Medicine makes false claims about healing in a defamation case last December, according to the Sydney Morning Herald.

It found that cult founder Serge Benhayon used bizarre forms of sexual manipulation and persuaded followers to shun loved ones who wouldn’t join his cult. SomersetLive reports that the group’s website say UK courses ‘are presented at 
The Lighthouse Accommodation and B & B in Frome, Somerset’
