Incoming New York congressman may have misrepresented parts of his resume, New York Times reports – By Chandelis DusterIncoming Republican congressman George Santos may have misrepresented parts of his resume, a report in The New York Times finds. The Times, citing public documents and court records, reported that key parts of Santos’ biography were either contradicted or not supported by evidence, including his education and employment history.

The Times report says Santos did not respond to repeated requests to furnish documents that would help to substantiate the claims while campaigning.

The report raises ethical and legal questions for Santos as he prepares to officially take on his role as a lawmaker in January as part of the new Republican majority in the House of Representatives.

Joseph Murray, an attorney for Santos, told CNN in a statement that the Times was attempting to “smear” the congressman-elect with “defamatory allegations.”

“Santos represents the kind of progress that the Left is so threatened by – a gay, Latino, immigrant and Republican who won a Biden district in overwhelming fashion by showing everyday voters that there is a better option than the broken promises and failed policies of the Democratic Party,” Murray said.

According to the Times, Santos’ biography has at times listed education at New York University and earning degrees in finance and economics at Baruch College, but both universities told the Times they had no record of anyone with his name or birthday attending. Santos’ campaign biography also included mention of experience at financial firms Citigroup and Goldman Sachs, but both firms told Times and subsequently CNN they had no record of his employment.
